What is the shipping policy?

We ship the products to all over India(serviceable pin codes) with the help of leading courier service providers like Xpress Bees, Bluedart, Fedex, Delhivery, Ecom Express, EKart, and others for a safe and secure delivery.

Delivery can take anywhere between 2-5 working days for metro cities, 4-7 working days for non metro cities and 5-10 days for special regions like North East and J&K.

Same day/ Next Day dispatch is exercised for all the products that are in stock. There are certain products sourced on demand that and thus would take more time for dispatch and delivery. In such cases, we will inform you via e-mail regarding the estimated dispatch date. In rare cases where the product could not be sourced from anywhere, we shall reserve the right to cancel the order and issue a full refund.

Since we use third party courier services, if there are any delays caused by the courier company we shall not be held responsible. However, we will try our best to follow up with the courier company and provide an update regarding your order.

Why is there no Cash On Delivery(CoD) option?

According to recent surveys, about 72% of all e-commerce orders in India are CoD and 40% of these orders get RTO’d (Return to Origin) for various reasons. When we, as a merchant, are trying to scale up our business, in an already competitive market, losses from RTO can make a huge difference to our bottom-line. A point to note here is that for each RTO, we as a seller are charged a higher rate for the reverse shipment which makes it a bigger loss for us.

What is the refund or return policy?

Due to the sensitive nature of the electronic components/products, no guarantee or warranty or return is applicable. Only remote controllers can be exchanged in a case where the wrong item was delivered.

I ordered an incorrect remote controller, what is the return policy?

In a case where an incorrect remote controller was ordered then the exchange or return will be subject to approval and the shipping expenses to and fro will be Bourne by the customer. Please note that no other products apart from remote controllers can be exchanged.